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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The JWMM Paper Template (available in the For Authors page) has been used and the CHI styles have been applied throughout. If unsure how to use the template, or convert existing text to use the JWMM Paper Template, please see the video in the For Authors page. I understand that my paper will be DECLINED if the template is not applied to the submission.
  • The author has ensured any tables in the paper have been formatted to use the CHI table style. If unsure how to use or convert existing tables to use the CHI table style, please see the tables video in the For Authors page.
  • The author has ensured any equations in the paper have been formatted to use the CHI equation style. If unsure how to use or convert existing equations to use the CHI equation style, please see the equations video in the For Authors page.
  • The complete author checklist has been thoroughly reviewed to ensure the paper meets JWMM standards. The complete checklist is available from the For Authors page.

Author Guidelines

To download a copy of the complete author checklist, please click on the following link: Full Author Checklist.

JWMM Paper Template

To download the JWMM Paper Template, click on the following link: JWMM Paper Template.

For video instructions on using the JWMM Paper Template, please click on the following link: JWMM Paper Template Video.

To use the JWMM Paper Template, open the template file as you would a regular Word file and immediately save it as "JWMM paper (your last name).doc." This is your working copy. In your working copy of the file, replace the contents with your paper. 

If you are unused to working with styles, you will be surprised how simple they can be employed: place your cursor in the text (e.g., on a sub-heading) and select Format/Styles and Formatting from the toolbar. This will open the Styles menu, and you can select e.g., "CHI Subheading 1" or "CHI Equation" as appropriate. Each Style in the menu is written in its own style so you can see what format your text string will take. Styles apply to paragraphs so every hard return allows you to employ a different style.

The paper template has the correct margins in place, and you must use the provided styles (all starting with "CHI" in the Styles menu - please ignore the default styles). The document you saved as a sample file illustrates the correct use of the styles. All figures and tables must fit within the page size constraints, and their contents must be clearly readable. Moreover, illustrations must be legible and useful to the reader when printed in black and white in the size available.

Note: pasting content from other documents will more than likely import styles into the provided paper, which may prove problematic to you (and later, for us). It is strongly recommended that you move your content to Microsoft Notepad before pasting it into the provided paper. This will strip out all formatting data and provide a much cleaner and efficient working environment in the provided paper. To do this simply copy and paste your content into the Notepad application, then copy and paste from the Notepad application to the provided MS Word paper.

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